Apex Transport Solutions has revealed a new, fresh rebrand and dynamic website.
The rapidly growing specialist transport solutions provider was keen to create a new identity closely aligned with its ethos, vision and values. The clean, modern logo will now be introduced across the firms fleet, with the roll out already underway.
Working with Liverpool based E-Blueprint, the new website has simultaneously been made live and includes important information for families, carers and customers.
Stephen Heneghan, Managing Director of Apex Transport Solution explained: “We recognise that we are very different to other firms operating within our sector and want our brand, marketing material and website to reflect that.
“We are open, transparent and professional in our approach and we want to share our story as we grow and evolve.”
The Apex Transport Solutions website includes information on the company’s approach and services as well as updates on technology, news, views and case studies.
Stephen continued: “We will be posting regular news on the site introducing our staff including drivers and support workers. We’ll also be sharing information on any changes to how we work including our ever growing use of technology to ultimately enhance the customer experience.”